Tuesday, January 13, 2009


And we thought they were called Reference Librarians!!

The School of Life (an interesting post in itself!) offers bibliotherapy for world-weary folk.

From their site:

"Make an appointment to meet one of our therapists – either in person or by phone or email – and you can discuss any area that you would like some books to shed light on. Perhaps you are looking for a set of books to help you think about your career options, or you’d like to fathom an aspect of a relationship. Maybe you want to spend six months reading history books or you have a demanding five-year-old for whom you’d like to put together a small library for the year ahead.

Whatever reading needs you have, we’ll take exceptional care and effort to create a reading prescription that’s perfect for you."

This idea both excites me and ... kinda irritates me! If folks only knew they could get that from their local public library... they can, can't they?...

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